IT Services Ticket Completion - Satisfaction Surveys

Did IT Send You That?

Starting July 11, 2023, IT Services will be sending a satisfaction survey when a Ticket is 'completed'.  If you receive an email with all of the below criteria, it is NOT spam, it was sent by IT Services.

Subject Line:  IT request completed. Your feedback is appreciated.
From:  VIU IT Services 
Content Summary:  Advising your particular ticket has been resolved and option to take a feedback survey
Words the Link should include: | TDClient | ITPortal | Surveys | TakeSurvey | 

This gives our clients the opportunity to provide feedback in a confidential manner when their tickets are completed.  The survey is appreciative of your time and takes approximately 1 minute to complete.  The link is only valid for the ticket being referenced and can only be completed once by those who received the email directly.

Example Images of Email and Survey

 Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Email received after a Ticket is completed.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Sample of satisfaction survey.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Survey completion page.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Survey already taken page.


Why did my completed ticket not get a survey?

The survey will only be sent to 'completed' tickets that were created after Monday, July 10, 2023.  If your ticket was created before July 10, 2023, and 'completed' after that date, you will not receive a survey.  


Article ID: 6366
Tue 7/11/23 4:12 PM
Fri 9/22/23 1:37 PM