What Is a Temporary Access Pass (TAP)?
TAP is an emergency code that will bypass your existing 2SV security authentication methods, and allow you to log into restricted resources when your phone or 2SV token is not available.
TAP will be active for a specific period of time depending on your circumstances and needs. TAP can be used on multiple apps during the active period.
Users will still need to sign-in by using their VIU password. The TAP doesn’t replace a user’s VIU password.
It is an emergency work-around for the second stage of 2SV so you can get access to your data if you forget your token or phone, or have a new cell phone number.
The most common use for a Temporary Access Pass is for a user who has forgotten their 2SV token, or cell phone at home and needs to log into VIU resources.
You can also use TAP to update your 2SV Security Information if you have changed your cell phone number.
This service is for emergency use only. Please remember to bring your 2SV token or cell phone with you when you need to log into VIU Resources.
If you need to request a TAP, you will also need to have your VIU account password reset.
How do I request a TAP?
Please call the Service Desk to request a Temporary 2SV Access Pass:
250.740.6300 (Local 6300)
1.833.902.6301 (Toll Free)
Operational hours are: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm
You will need to have your VIU Employee ID on had for verification purposes and be at a computer so you can reset your VIU password.
I can take up to 15 minutes to activate a TAP once the request has been made.
How Does TAP work?
New Phone Number:
Authentication methods are stored in your profile at
If you change your phone number use the link above to log into your account and change your Security details.
Follow the Update Security Information instructions further down on this page.
Forgotten Phone or Token
If you have just forgotten your phone or token, go ahead and log into the app(s) you need to access, you do not need to log into the security info page first.
Follow the Log into apps with TAP instructions below.
Log into apps with TAP
A PDF downloadable version of these instructions, can be found in the "Attachments" list on the right side of the screen
- Choose the account to log into. Sometimes this step will be skipped if you have already logged into another app.

- Click on Use Temporary Access Pass
- If you do NOT see Use Temporary Access Pass in the list, please call the Service Desk:
250.740.6300 (Local 6300)
1.833.902.6301 (Toll Free)
- Enter the Temporary Access Pass code that you were provided, and click Next.
The code is made up of random numbers and symbols so you should click on the “Show Temporary Access Pass” box, or eyeball icon, to check that you entered it correctly.

- You should now be signed in.
- If you also need to update your security information proceed to the next set of these instructions.
Update 2SV Security Information:
- If you need to update your security information log into your security account profile, go to and log in using the TAP code as shown in steps 1 -3 above.
- Make sure you are on the Security Info Option. This is where you can update or add new methods of authentication.

- If you do not have any registered authentication methods, you will see a banner at the top of the screen requesting you to add a new sign-in method.

- If your old phone number is listed, you can click delete it. This will also remove it as your default sign –in method if it was listed as such.
You will need to set new default method later. Click Delete to remove the old number from the list
- Click +Add Sign-in method
- Click the down arrow to expand the list and choose which type of method you want to add:

- Once you have chosen an option, click ADD

- Depending on the option you chose, you will have to give details about the new method:

- If you chose a phone, you need to change the country then add your phone information and click Next
- If you chose a Desk Phone, you will only have the CALL option. If you choose a Cell Phone, you can choose text or call
NOTE: You will need to be at the phone number you provide. You will get a call or text on that number and will need to provide a confirmation code to finish the process.
- After you confirm the number by adding the code to the confirmation box, it will show up in your list.
- This new phone number can be chosen as a default if you want
- Change or Set up your Default sign-in method, the options you see will depend on what your default was previously set to.
- If you deleted your old number, and it was your old default method; you will see the +Add sign-in method option and can click this:

- If you have a different default set up, you will see the following option.
Change the default to the new phone number by clicking on Change

- When you click Add or Change, you will see a message box with a drop down list of options. The options you see will depend on the methods you have stored in your profile.
- Choose the option you want to use as your default method, then click Confirm
- If you are updating the information because you changed your phone number or have lost your device, you should click on the Sign Out everywhere option at the bottom of the screen to make sure nobody can use the old 2SV information that was associated with the phone.

- Save your changes and log out of the Security page.
- The next time you log in, you should receive the 2SV code on our new phone number.