Keep content up-to-date and accurate throughout the year as events happen and changes are made to your department. Best Practice would be to, at minimum; perform an annual website content review each May. That way you can ensure that students will see the most current information for the upcoming term regarding departmental and service changes, contact information; and links to resources.
Ensure spelling, grammar and formatting are correct.
Remove redundant or outdated content. If a page is deleted, open a ticket with IT Helpdesk so that any links from other pages that point to that information can be removed.
Ensure that all links are current and working. Web Management can assist providing a list of broken links by emailing the IT Helpdesk and creating a ticket for your request.
Write content in compliance with the Editorial Style Guide. Ensure that content is clear, consistent, concise, and appropriate for the audience (e.g., avoid library jargon).
Use links with descriptive text - review the information about hyperlink best practice as described on Web Content Editing.