Microsoft Teams: Using Teams to Communicate with People External to VIU


Microsoft Teams is a messaging app where conversations, files, meetings, and more can be accessed by a group of employees or students, all in one place. For more information, visit How Do I Use Teams?

How can I communicate with People that are External to VIU?

There may be times where you need to collaborate with someone outside of VIU. Below are instructions to assist you.

NOTE: VIU has enabled our Teams application to allow you to add external contacts and for external contacts to add VIU employees to their Teams channel. However, not all organizations have these settings enabled.

If you are NOT ABLE to add an external contact, or an external contact is not able to add you, that external contacts organization likely has not enabled these Teams administration settings. Your external contact should reach out to their organizations IT department for assistance.

Step one: Add your External Contact to your Teams Contacts

Add a Guest/External Contact to your Teams Contacts

Step two: choose your Method of Contact

Start an Audio or Video call with an External Contact
Start a chat with an External Contact

Can I add an external contact to a Teams Channel?

You cannot add an external user to a single channel, but you can add them to a Team, which gives them access to ALL the channels within that team. 
However, it's very important to consider that this not only gives the guest access to every channel in the team, it also gives access to the historical data and files for each channel. 
Please make sure your Guest/External Contact requires such access before approving.

If you need to chat with an external contact in a Team Channel (and a group chat won't do), you can request a new team.

How do I add an External Contact to a Team?


Article ID: 5708
Mon 5/15/23 3:23 PM
Tue 12/5/23 2:54 PM