How do I repair a Microsoft Office 365 installation?

Performing an online repair of your Microsoft Office installation can help resolve issues or errors you might encounter while using Office applications. This process involves repairing the installation by accessing the "Add or Remove Programs" settings and initiating the repair using the Online Repair option.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to perform an online repair for your Microsoft Office installation.

Step 1: Close all Office Applications

Before starting the repair process, ensure that all Office applications are closed. Close Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and any other Office apps running in the background.

Step 2: Run the “Make Me Admin” app

  1. Search for the “Make Me Admin” app and open it.
  2. Click on “Grant Me Administrator Rights” within the application.

Step 3: Access “Add or Remove Programs”

  1. Click on the Start menu in the bottom-left corner of your screen.
  2. Type "Add or Remove Programs" in the search bar and select the "Add or Remove Programs" app from the results.

Step 4: Select Office 365 apps for Repair

  1. Locate "Microsoft 365 apps for Enterprise – en-us" in the list of installed programs.
  2. Right-click on "Microsoft 365 apps for Enterprise – en-us" and choose the "Modify" option.

Step 5: Choose Online Repair Option

  1. A dialog box will appear with two repair options: "Quick Repair" and "Online Repair."
  2. Select "Online Repair" and click on the "Repair" button.

Step 6: Start the Repair Process

  1. The "User Account Control" will prompt, asking for your Email Address and Password or Username and Password.
  2. Enter your VIU credentials and click "Yes" or "OK."
  3. The repair process will commence, and it may take some time, depending on your internet connection speed and the complexity of the issue.
    • Ensure that your internet connection remains stable during the repair.

Step 7: Verify Office Apps

  1. After the repair finishes, open any Office app, such as Outlook or Excel, to ensure that the repair was successful.
  2. Verify that the issue you were experiencing is now resolved.


Article ID: 6815
Thu 9/21/23 3:55 PM
Fri 11/10/23 9:36 AM