How do I book a room?


Room Bookings for Timetabled Courses

Rooms to be used for Vancouver Island University courses are booked through the timetabling process using the Scheduling and Workload System (SAWS).

Anyone who is involved in scheduling classes should become familiar with the Course Scheduling Principles found on the Space Allocation Group website.

For more information about room bookings for timetabled courses, please contact

General Room Bookings

Any Vancouver Island University employee conducting university business may book an available room. Official student clubs should contact the VIU Students' Union at to arrange for rooms to be booked on their behalf.

If permission is needed to book the room you choose, please contact the person listed before requesting to book the room.

Quick Links

Find a RoomRoom Booking Report

Requesting a Room Booking

Changes have been made recently to the way that general room booking requests are processed. A brief description can be found in this General Room Booking Guide.

If you used the Find a Room page to search for a room, click on the Request room booking button beside the room you would like to book.

If you used the Room Booking Report to find your room, simply click a free spot on the week-long schedule at the bottom of the page.

In either case, fill in the details on the resulting pop-up window:

  • Booking Description (title of the event - required)
  • Booking Comment (optional)
  • Contact Name
  • Contact phone
  • Contact Email
  • CC email (optional)
  • Start and End Date of booking (pop-up calendar)
  • Start and end time of booking (drop-down list). Note that this is in 24-hour format, e.g. 13:00 = 1:00 o'clock pm.
  • Select the day or days of the week needed (should fill in automatically)

Click on either the Add another meeting time, or Request room booking button to complete the process. You can request up to 4 meeting days and times on one booking request.

You will receive an email from the auto-respond system showing all the details of your request. Note that this is NOT a confirmation of your booking.

Once your booking is confirmed you will receive another email which will include a Booking ID/reference number.

More information on this process can be found here: General Room Booking Guide.


For any special equipment required for your event, contact the Library at local 6329 or email For more information visit Equipment for Loan (Nanaimo Campus).

Questions about existing computer, audio-visual equipment or software available in rooms should be directed to the IT Helpdesk at Local 6300, or Click on the Show Room Technology button on the Room Booking Report page to see a list of equipment and technology for the selected room.

External Room Bookings

The following questions can help determine whether a booking is internal or external:

  • Is this event VIU course-specific and only VIU students will be in attendance?
    • If yes, this is an internal booking.
  • Is this event for the external community to attend?
    • If yes, this is an external booking; we need to manage the risk of inviting community members onto our campus.
  • Is this event booked by a VIU employee for non-school related purposes on behalf of anther group or company?
    • If yes, this is an external booking; we need to manage the risk of external groups coming on campus.

For external bookings contact Megan Fisher, Events Coordinator, Meeting & Event Services, by email to or phone at Local 6633.

Room Bookings During Final Exam Period

No booking requests for dates occurring during the final exam period will be confirmed until all exam rooms have been booked. This will be in late October for December exams and late February for April exams.

Reading Break

Contact to book rooms during reading break. Requests are processed on a first come, first-served basis.


All students and employees with an active computer account can use this service.

Get Started 

The following links can provide helpful guidance and answers to your room booking questions

  • General Room Booking Guide
    This link will direct you to a short document which covers the basics of the Room Booking system. 
  • Find a Room
    (same link as above... couldn't find a link that would fit the description)
  • Room Booking Report 
    (Note: Employee login required) Search for a room by campus, building, or date. 

Can't find what you're looking for?

If you have any further questions about room bookings please email:

Contact for additional information



Article ID: 2840
Thu 1/27/22 11:53 AM
Fri 11/17/23 7:00 PM

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