Disclaimer: This guide provides instructions for configuring a wireless connection on Ubuntu Linux to the viu-secure network. However, connecting to university wireless networks on Linux is not officially supported, and we do not guarantee the success, security, or reliability of the connection. By following these instructions, you acknowledge and accept that you are proceeding at your own risk.
Ubuntu Linux
- Click on Wireless icon on top right and choose Edit Connections.
- Add a new connection.
- Enter in the SSID and Connection Name as
and move to the Wireless Security Tab.
- Use the following settings:
- Security:
WPA & WPA2 Enterprise
- Authentication:
Protected EAP (PEAP)
- CA certificate:
- Inner authentication:
- Note the CA certificate is located in /etc/ssll/certs and is called DigiCert_High_Assurance_EV_Root_CA (or checkmark "Do not authenticate”)
- When entering in the username, the format should be student number or user name (if this doesn't work, prefix with viu\), Then enter your password.
- Click on Save and after a few seconds your computer should now be connected.