VIU Computer Accounts / How do I change or reset my password?

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The old student and employee password reset pages are being redirected to this article. The method of changing and resetting passwords has changed.


What is a VIU Computer Account?

A VIU Computer Account is a federated account system used to simplify and unify access across nearly all VIU services.

What are VIU Computer Accounts used for?

  • Logging in to computers at VIU
  • VIU-Secure campus WiFi
  • Eduroam
  • Your VIU email
  • Microsoft 365 services (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Teams, etc.)
  • VIULearn (D2L)
  • VIUTube (YuJa)
  • VIU Administrative Systems
  • Employee Portal
  • And more.

Exceptions for students:

  • Some systems, like VIUBlogs (WordPress), Experience Hub, and the Library Catalog, use the student number as the username instead of your email. We are working to unify these systems with the VIU Computer Accounts.

How do I get a VIU Computer Account?

New students and employees will receive an email on or before their first day to their personal email they provided VIU. It will contain the following:

  • Your VIU Computer Account username (this is also your email address)
  • Your temporary password
  • Instructions on how to change your password

If you are a current student or employee, you already have a VIU Computer Account!

Account Format

  • The email address is what you will use to login to most systems:
    • For students: (e.g.
    • For employees: (e.g.

Changing or Resetting Your Password

If you are a new student or employee setting up your account for the first time with a temporary password, or if you need to change or reset your password, follow the link below:

Note: if you are logged in to another Microsoft account at another institution (or you are both a student and employee) we recommend using a different browser for each. 

Change/Reset VIU Computer Account Password

Setting up new account OR changing password:

Enter your email address, click Next. Then, enter your temporary or existing password and click Sign in.

Setting up your account for the first name? You may be asked to set up the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device, or choose an alternate method (such as text messages). This is for 2-Step Verification (also called Multi-Factor Authentication). Follow the prompts on the screen. For more information, visit What is 2-Step Verification?

You will then be prompted to change your password.

You forgot your password:

Enter your email address, click Next, then click Forgot my password. Follow the prompts to reset your password.

Note: It may take several minutes for your new password to sync across all services.

For Students: If the e-mail address is incorrect when you attempt to reset your password, please login to your Student Record, verify your personal e-mail address on file is correct and then try again in 2 hours after our systems have had a chance to sync your updated personal address with Microsoft 365. If you need your account password reset quicker than that please contact the Service Desk (contact information below).

Need help?
Call us at 250-740-6300 or toll-free at 1-833-902-6301. We'll help you get back up and running.

Password Complexity Requirements

You are required to use at least 8 characters and 3 of the following 4 options:

  • upper case letters
  • lower case letters
  • numbers
  • special characters:  !@#$%^&*()_+={}

Your password cannot contain:

  • Your first name, middle name, or last name

Important: Never share your password with anyone (not even the IT department). It ensures the privacy of your account, and you are responsible for how your account is used. Do not let others access it.

More information about password security can be found here: Password Security

Who is entitled to a VIU Computer Account?

  • Active students and employees. Note: some work appointment types may retain access after their end date. Students retain access 120 days after their last day of classes. More information can be found here: When do VIU Computer Accounts get disabled?
  • VIU Affiliates
  • Retirees who have requested extended access to their accounts (must be requested on a yearly basis)

Who is not entitled to a VIU Computer Account?

  • Job applicants
  • Alumni
  • Vendors

When do VIU Computer Accounts get disabled?

Affiliation Disable Duration
Students 120 days after last date of classes
Regular Employees 1 day after last date of appointment
Temporary BCGEU 6 months after last date of appointment
Temporary CUPE 1 day after last date of appointment
Temporary VIUFA 12 months after last date of appointment
Casual 90 days after last date of pay
Student Workers 120 days after last date of appointment or contract
Affiliate 1 day after last date of affiliation agreement

What happens when a VIU Computer Account gets disabled?

Access to VIU accounts, network shares, email, and online resources is disabled. Papercut balance is removed. Files and emails in disabled accounts remain intact for 1 year. Data is removed from a disabled account after 1 full year with no activity.

What happens when a VIU Computer Account gets re-enabled?

Access is restored to user accounts and resources. If the account is enabled within 1 year, files and emails are just as they were left, and the password remains unchanged.

Student Record Accounts (for students)

Student record passwords are different from VIU Computer Accounts. This uses your student number as the username and a different password that you have set. More information about your student record account can be found here: Student Record Password

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